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The Shoppes at Piedmont was the first of its kind in the City of Lincoln in the 1950’s.  The building was built in 1956 and had improvements in 1997.  Our design goal is to restore the center to become a focal point of the Piedmont area.


The Building


The new improvements to the complex will be clearly visible from South Cotner. New entries will be constructed at the existing entries. The design uses stucco and stone to complement the existing limestone façade. Awnings will be black fabric located between the new entries and over the existing storefront windows. The material pallet of the new building will be selected to compliment that of the existing stone of the building and creates a boulevard feel. The neighborhood views of the shopping center will be well maintained, landscaped and nearly invisible to the residences. The current building is below 50th street with the existing grade and our design creates additional screening with the landscaping. 



Site Improvements


A boulevard with stamped concrete patios and seating has been located on the site. Fencing with a prairie grass graphic and stone pillars will identify the eating areas and screen the parking lot. New lighting pole fixtures are selected for beauty and to provide hanging flower baskets or holiday banners. The improvements enhance the current elements of the existing façade. Landscaping and vegetation will be selected based on its ability enhance the street scape on the South Cotner facades and to screen the building on 50th and C streets.  An accessible sidewalk will wrap the building and link to the public right-o-way in multiple locations. We will have a neighborhood center that will complimentary the Piedmont neighborhood. 


The new major enhancements will create a dynamic center that is locally owned. The area specialty shops and café and restaurant will have a Lincoln Nebraska flavor for the clientele in the neighborhood. It will be an attraction you can come and have coffee, grab some flowers and do your neighborhood shopping.

The Shoppes at Piedmont Facts

  • 50,342 square feet of leasable space.

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